28 May 2010

What dreams may come, both dark and deep


I cannot say how many times I have listened to this song. It is beautifully composed, and in the above version, beautifully sung. Although the video accompanying it is weird. Why must 90% of professional choir pictures be taken with them all looking up, as if doom is visiting them or they're a herd of Pre-K kids watching a plane?
Nevertheless, haunting song, beautiful poetry. And the urge to actually go. To. Sleep.

25 May 2010

This is a trial.

Not necessarily a tribulation, although to be frank I have no idea what the hell that means.
I think I'm going to give this "365" business a try. But as I am a government stooge for the summer, this may prove difficult.
Or may, as I have commitment issues to projects, turn into Project 52. Anyhow, here I go. Starting 1 June.

Gossip Girl.
No. This is false.