26 December 2010

25 December 2010

Merry Christmas from our house to your computer

Happy Christmas, cats and kittens. Here we are, totem pole style like Fiddler on the Roof.
May yours be as darling as ours promises to be. Warms your cockles, don't it?

Also! We found a crab. By we I mean Sra. Cocinera.  It was a stowaway on the oysters she was shucking for our Christmas Eve dinner. He's probably (confirmed at 6 pm CST) dead now because I loved him too much.  Also I tried to feed him Triscuits.  Apparently they don't like those guys.

24 December 2010

Christmas Eve-ing

My mother loves nativity scenes.  Also, tamales mean Christmas Eve.

23 December 2010


Hallo friendos, in honor of Christmas Eve (dinner, seven fishes. beat that losers), I present to you LEON THE CHRISTMAS BEAR.
Leon, (as amply demonstrated by photography) is NOEL spelt backwards.  And yes, he is a bear.
He is simply the only thing that makes me continually love the holiday season.
Wait. That's not true. Also "Christmas in Hollis" by Run-DMC.  Bitches love carols.

22 December 2010


if you read this line, remember not the hand that writ it.

21 December 2010

205. Vigil.

Went to a vigil at the capitol to honor the memory of those who have died this year and were homeless. It was freezing (obviously, it's Iowa), which proves how cruel the Midwest is to those without shelter. The mayor of Des Moines was there; it's always nice to have support from the bureaucracy.  Hopefully that'll trickle up at some point. (This is he, below.)

Tonight is the longest night, and among the coldest, of the calendar year. But here's my plea: remember the homeless during the summer solstice too.  Shelters and services are inundated not just with guests this season, but with donations.  Donate, please - but consider saving your donation - do Christmas in August, or Christmas in February.  Homelessness is not just when it is cold.

20 December 2010


Photo cred: Lydia Benge Briggs. I distinctly remember making her take this.

19 December 2010

203. City of Brotherly Love.

So here is a collage I have made of some of the blog's most frequent subjects, Monster and Klutzma. They have a habit of posing in this "pioneers who have just discovered the homestead" sort of endearing manner. I love them both. Happy Christmas, guys.
I will miss you in the coming semester, Klutzma.  You bring light to the darkest of places. And by the darkest of places I mean the theater.

18 December 2010

202. i think. losing my damn mind.

So, Hamlet. That guy sucks, right? Right. No seriously. Plus, he never went through the mirror stage as defined by Lacan.  So. I guess Gertrude screwed him up but good.*
*After a quadrillion days and years and months of time working on my Shakespeare paper, that is what it looks like essentially. So here is this. A pictorial account of how much I love Hamlet. I also am wearing my (real) glasses, so for the people who know me, SHIT IS REAL. Who the hell wants to go to grad school? Lord, what twats those mortals be.

17 December 2010

the next number in sequence.

Here is part of TCB and her rendering of herself. She's like super talented, yo.

09 December 2010


A day wholly dedicated to Wreck, [named for the "Wreck This Journal" not because he is one] because he made me take several pictures and then I couldn't decide. He also can touch his toes now. So, gentles all, enjoy. 
After all, Christmas is friendship.

06 December 2010


Sidebar: I love these people today. The lady is the utterly magnificent Kat [who is also responsible for my current header]. And the gentleman is the always pragmatic Sunshine. 
Thank you to both of you for letting me take over your time.
Although to be fair, they were both valet parking and probably cold as all hell and wanted a break.
I'll take the win anyway.

189. Saucy ladies in the caf edition.

05 December 2010


Newest and more specific blog segment:
CHRISTMAS IS:  and also Awesome People Wearing Sweaters (which officially began with D.V.)

SO.Here is the fantastic Chaqueta Roja showing her Christmas face. Also, the library is the worst place ever. And I am quite possibly the worst library study friend in the entire universe.
Bonus picture of me being creepy with the reflection.