26 August 2010

88 - 90

Yes, I've been gone for awhile. Yes, I'm awful at this project. No, this will probably not get better.
So, going back in time (Wayne's World sound effect) here we are in Iowa.
Crumb got forlorn a little.

Pan got frustrated a little.

And they both loved La Bookworm a lot.

25 August 2010


Hey there friendos. Today was the first day of school for La Bookworm and Pan, but not for Crumb. So, here's La Bookworm, back when she could savor the days of non-schooling.

24 August 2010


Crumb and I have done the hanging out today. It was cold in Iowa, but we went outside for awhile. He is not going to be LeBron anytime soon, but he sure as hell tried.

He is quite good at le biking though.

23 August 2010


today's word is half. half darkness, half successful picture, half wanting to do this damn blog anymore

22 August 2010

84 pizza noms

On the grill.
We made it. Sra Cocinera, Hogar, y yo. Happy good times, except for the part where the grill is about 3 gazillion degrees and your face melts off like the Joker or someone with horrendous pancake makeup.

21 August 2010

83. Pan and Crumb's Great Adventure.

the word of the day is confusion. also, humidity.

20 August 2010


Oh look lace. Word of the day : mess.

19 August 2010

the 81st.

I have (obviously) traversed to the cemetery multiple times, although not as many as the blag implies, for I cheat and took several pictures at once. Mostly because the one cemetery has people who exclusively died before 1950, which is interesting.  And they kind of are solitudinous places, which is nice. But they are also full of bugs. And people think you're creepy when you tell them where you're going. 
But this was one of my favorite gravesites.  Why? It appears that their still living family members just come and sit with them at least enough to necessitate them keeping lawn chairs there. Or maybe they just don't want to go the way of the Meek in-laws and are saving their spots.  Much like at a surprise awesome outdoor concert.

18 August 2010


and so is today's.

17 August 2010


To-day's word is "structure."

16 August 2010

78. Back to the rollicking hills of stones.

This is the mausoleum de Casady, where one locked gate is not enough, evidently.

15 August 2010

77. break from the morbidity of my cemetery excursions.

double, double, toil...and trouble. Although it's really just Pan and Crumb.
Today's word is "follow." Can you tell?

14 August 2010

seventy-six. like 1776. so, independence!

Except not. This is the family Meek. There is one large headstone and then like 18 small ones. None of them, upon closer inspection, were in-laws. Apparently the family Meek frowned upon people who marriaged in.  (They were married, several had "proud husband of/proud wife of" it just appears that they weren't quite proud enough of their unions to lie (lay) with them for eternity.

13 August 2010

75! A quarter of a hundred!

Maybe I'll just stop at 100 pictures. I hate 365. She is a cruel, cruel mistress. Not unlike whoever this is, who appears on this MASSIVE HEADSTONE. Actually, that's quite unfair of me. I haven't a clue who this lady of epic proportions is.
Also, thus begins the cemetery section of the blag.

12 August 2010

73 unt 74.

So, cards. I'm awful at playing them.

11 August 2010

the terrorists can't win. can they? Well, they could.

Just ask Stephen Hawking. MARS ATTACKS. This is a lot of non-sequitur sort of thoughts, although they seemed more coherent in my mind.
I have nothing to post for the day because I am lazy and also I went to a slaughterhouse today so basically feel sorry for me and not slight anger at the lack of fun post.
I would like a hug sometimes, most people would. Which is basically what this makes me feel like doing.
Love me some asofterworld. --> asofterworld.com

10 August 2010


Well, here's my 71st blog post.  Time, I'd say, for some shameless promotion.
Here goes. Iowans, as it happens, are relatively shit out of luck. So.
But, Minnesotans, hearken!  Go to Thinkingaview / Correspondance at the Southern Theater.  Times are at the link, I can't remember them.  http://www.fringefestival.org/2010/show/?id=1315
Why should you go? There are also some amazing people in it, as well as a woman who sings with the aid of Mariah Carey hands.  Plus, there is a lot of semi-nudity!  So really, there's something for everyone, is what I'm saying.
And, it makes you feel. Happy, thoughtful, saucy, etc.  Can't beat that, you robot Americans.
End of shameless plug. GO SEE IT. Ok, now I'm really done.
And, a Russian Empress apparently died of a nosebleed. PSA: Don't let nosebleeds kill you, or Peter the Third could end up on the throne. And he sucked.

09 August 2010


Today, I went to my first funeral by myself.  I was not flanked by my family, friends, or classmates.  Of course, I wasn't just randomly crashing some funeral, that would be super weird.  I went for one of my best friends, Callas.
Anyway, this is what growing up is like, I guess. You go to the funeral.  It wasn't the most personally difficult for me, but you know - you go to show the living you care.  I guess that's all you can do, really.
Show the living that you care.

08 August 2010


"A geek is anybody who's curious about the details." - Jeff Potter.
Also, today's number is how I met one of my best friends, the Neckerein. What a classy lady, folks. Miss her.

Gossip Girl.

07 August 2010

68. Just when you think you're out, they pull you back in.

(Like Jake the mother-effing Waiter. BLAST FROM THE PAST. Of like 2 months ago.)
This is Tevas and yours truly, just a-hangin out at B Loco. With Jake the Waiter. He's not good enough to make the blog though.
Then some of her co-workers tried to propose to each other with janky fajita bits and sang Les Mis. Oh yeah. It happened.

06 August 2010


TMNT. What if they were all girls and had names like Arbus and Kahlo? Or if they were just cooler and literary like Dante or Dickens? Who would YOU choose? Oh yeah, and I got married at Goodwill with Jean-Baptiste.

05 August 2010

66 hollaaaa

Read the map. Ahoy hoy, cats and kittens.

04 August 2010


Apologies, first of all, for the lack of good/decent/normal looking pictures as of late. Here is a SeaMonkey. And by A SeaMonkey I mean THE BIGGEST SEA MONKEY IN THE UNIVERSE. There also is my finger for perspective.

In another perspective, A GIANT TOMATO THE SIZE OF MY FACE
I apparently like big things today.

03 August 2010

will you still need me, will you still feed me

when I'm sixty-four?
Today, I felt like Olivia. Yeah, it was awesome.

02 August 2010


magnolias make me wish I had gone to Tulane.

01 August 2010

sixty freakin two.

Here is my mother, the inimitable, indomitable Hogar.
(she's reading.)