10 August 2010


Well, here's my 71st blog post.  Time, I'd say, for some shameless promotion.
Here goes. Iowans, as it happens, are relatively shit out of luck. So.
But, Minnesotans, hearken!  Go to Thinkingaview / Correspondance at the Southern Theater.  Times are at the link, I can't remember them.  http://www.fringefestival.org/2010/show/?id=1315
Why should you go? There are also some amazing people in it, as well as a woman who sings with the aid of Mariah Carey hands.  Plus, there is a lot of semi-nudity!  So really, there's something for everyone, is what I'm saying.
And, it makes you feel. Happy, thoughtful, saucy, etc.  Can't beat that, you robot Americans.
End of shameless plug. GO SEE IT. Ok, now I'm really done.
And, a Russian Empress apparently died of a nosebleed. PSA: Don't let nosebleeds kill you, or Peter the Third could end up on the throne. And he sucked.

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