15 January 2011

This is going to be a very text heavy entry for me.

Just so's you all know. Gird your loins. Here we go.

If you had the (mis)fortune of talking to me on Monday or Tuesday of last week, you'll know that I was wrapped up in a show called "Black Watch" that is running at the Barbican Theatre in London.
The show is the finest sort of witness theatre, the kind that gives you that particular feeling of tightness in your chest that urges you to act.
It is not just the actors - although these men are completely unbelievable and give their all to this show.
It is not just the production - although the direction, the technical aspects, and all these are fantastic.
It is not just the space - although it adds a definite, new dimension to the show.
It is not just the script - although it is alive with the truth of human emotion and memory.

It is all of these elements together that make The Barbican's production of "Black Watch" the most poignant, spectacular, exposed piece of art you could have the privilege to see.
If you are not in London, I'm sorry. (It is touring, though.) But if you are, rush this show (as I believe it's sold out). You have until the 22nd.

We are all complicit.

And now, the photograph component - this has nothing to do with anything I've talked about, as it is Millenium Bridge as I saw it from the 2nd floor of the Tate Modern.

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